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The house is well built but the foundation is unstable – a great analogy for attachment and personality

Felicia Chiao’s drawing: “The house is well built but the foundation is unstable” is such a brilliant metaphor for the role of attachment and personality in our psychological makeup. It’s the first 2 to 3 years of our lives that lay the foundation of our emotional lives for the rest of our lives. If were

The house is well built but the foundation is unstable – a great analogy for attachment and personality Read More »

The sicker the relationship, the stronger the bond – trauma bonding and what that means

There are many reasons it’s difficult to leave an abusive relationship. ⁣Some of the reasons are of practical nature, fx. Financial or safety worries. ⁣Others are of a more psychological nature. ⁣One of them is the psychological phenomenon of trauma bonding. ⁣Trauma bonding forms in exploitive relationships. ⁣It’s best described as: “The sicker the relationship,

The sicker the relationship, the stronger the bond – trauma bonding and what that means Read More »

How your brain cooperates with your mind to generate your individual reality

Try putting your finger horizontally over the middle, and see how the colours of the blocks change instantly. What before was very distinctively two colours, blend into the very same grey colour. What’s happening here? This is a great example of what is called “top down processing”. Every second of every day, your brain is

How your brain cooperates with your mind to generate your individual reality Read More »