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The sicker the relationship, the stronger the bond – trauma bonding and what that means

There are many reasons it’s difficult to leave an abusive relationship. ⁣Some of the reasons are of practical nature, fx. Financial or safety worries. ⁣Others are of a more psychological nature. ⁣One of them is the psychological phenomenon of trauma bonding. ⁣Trauma bonding forms in exploitive relationships. ⁣It’s best described as: “The sicker the relationship, …

The sicker the relationship, the stronger the bond – trauma bonding and what that means Read More »

Witnessing abuse carries the same risk of harm to children’s mental health and learning as being abused directly

Research shows that both the perpetrator and the victim in domestic abuse situations minimize the impact the abuse will have on their children. People tell themselves that the children don’t realise what’s going on, that they never see anything directly, that they were asleep, that they’re to young to understand what’s going on. Its an …

Witnessing abuse carries the same risk of harm to children’s mental health and learning as being abused directly Read More »